The First States That Will Go Down During a Civil Unrest. Do You Live in the Red Zone?

Don’t be the wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time when we talk about a civil unrest .

Civil unrest conjures a nightmarish scenario where a large portion of the community engages in disruptive activities such as savage protests, violent riots, or strikes, often in response to political, social, or economic grievances. These events can escalate quickly, posing serious risks to personal safety and property. This guide provides a thorough understanding of civil unrest and practical steps to survive and stay safe during these turbulent times that will happen soon.

Throughout history, various states in the U.S. have experienced episodes of civil unrest for different reasons. Some incidents have occurred in major cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and Minneapolis

Ferguson Unrest (2014)**

– The Ferguson Unrest followed the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The incident led to protests, clashes with law enforcement, and a national debate on issues of police violence, racial profiling, and systemic racism.

Los Angeles:

– 1992 Los Angeles Riots:  Following the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King, Los Angeles experienced widespread riots characterized by looting, arson, and violence. The unrest lasted for several days and resulted in significant property damage and loss of life.

– 1965 Watts Riots: The Watts Riots were sparked by an incident of police brutality and racial tensions in the predominantly African American neighborhood of Watts. The unrest lasted for about a week and highlighted deep-seated issues of racial inequality and economic disparities.


– 1968 Democratic National Convention Protests: During the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, anti-Vietnam War protesters clashed with police in what became known as the “Chicago riots.” The violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement drew national attention.

– 2015 Laquan McDonald Protests: The release of a video showing the shooting of Laquan McDonald, a black teenager, by a Chicago police officer led to protests and calls for police accountability and reform.

 New York:

– 1977 New York City Blackout: During a citywide blackout in 1977, looting and arson broke out in various neighborhoods in New York City. The widespread unrest highlighted issues of poverty, crime, and social tensions in the city.

– Occupy Wall Street Protests: In 2011, the Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York City’s financial district, highlighting income inequality, corporate greed, and political corruption. The protests spread to other cities across the country.


-2020 George Floyd Protests: The killing of George Floyd, an African American man, by a Minneapolis police officer sparked nationwide protests against police brutality and systemic racism. Minneapolis was one of the epicenters of these protests, leading to calls for police reform and social justice.

– 2021 Daunte Wright Protests: The shooting of Daunte Wright, a black man, by a police officer in a Minneapolis suburb reignited tensions and led to further protests and demands for accountability in law enforcement.

These incidents illustrate how civil unrest in major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and Minneapolis can be triggered by a range of social, political, and economic factors, and how they can bring attention to deep-rooted issues within society.

⇒ The First States That Will Go Down During a Civil Unrest. Do You Live in the Red Zone?

1 *Don’t Participate in the Unrest: Avoid joining protests, riots, or demonstrations. These situations can become volatile and dangerous very quickly.

Avoid joining protests, riots, or demonstrations, as these situations can become volatile and dangerous with little warning. While participating in such events might seem like a way to voice your opinions or show solidarity, the reality is that these gatherings can quickly spiral out of control.

Law enforcement may respond with force, and clashes between protesters and authorities or opposing groups can lead to injuries or even fatalities. The chaotic environment can make it difficult to distinguish between peaceful participants and those intent on causing harm, increasing the risk to everyone involved.

Additionally, being present at these events exposes you to potential arrest, legal consequences, and even becoming a target for violence or retribution. It’s safer to stay away from areas of unrest and find alternative, safer means to express your views or support a cause.

Prioritize your safety and well-being by keeping a safe distance from any form of civil disturbance.

2 *Don’t Ignore Warnings: Pay attention to news updates, alerts, and warnings from authorities. Ignoring these can put you at greater risk.

Pay close attention to news updates, alerts, and warnings from authorities, as ignoring these can significantly increase your risk. Authorities issue these warnings based on current intelligence and assessments of potential dangers, including areas to avoid, curfews, and safety measures. Staying informed through reliable news sources, government announcements, and emergency notifications can provide crucial information about the evolving situation.

Ignoring these warnings can leave you unaware of imminent threats such as violent clashes, roadblocks, or emergency measures being enacted. For instance, you could find yourself inadvertently entering a high-risk area where clashes are likely to occur, or you might miss crucial instructions on how to stay safe, such as shelter-in-place orders or evacuation routes.

Moreover, authorities might implement curfews or restrict access to certain areas to maintain order and safety. Failing to adhere to these directives can result in fines, arrest, or even being caught in a dangerous situation without adequate preparation or support.

To ensure your safety, regularly check multiple sources of information, including local news, official government channels, and reputable online platforms. Set up notifications on your phone for emergency alerts and stay connected with friends and family to share and receive updates. By staying informed and heeding official warnings, you can make better decisions to protect yourself and your loved ones during periods of civil unrest.

3 *Don’t Travel Unnecessarily: Stay home or in a safe place. Avoid traveling unless it’s absolutely essential.

Public transportation and roads can become targets or become unsafe.

Stay home or in a safe place and avoid traveling unless it’s absolutely essential. During times of civil unrest, public transportation and roads can quickly become dangerous or targeted areas. Here’s why unnecessary travel can be particularly risky:

Protests and riots can erupt suddenly, turning previously safe areas into hotspots of violence. Traveling increases your chances of being caught in these unexpected flare-ups. Authorities may set up roadblocks or checkpoints to control movement, which can lead to delays, searches, or even detainment. Additionally, protesters might create barricades, making travel difficult or impossible.

In the chaos, emergency services such as ambulances, police, and fire departments may be overwhelmed or unable to reach certain areas. Traveling unnecessarily could leave you without help in an emergency.

Ignoring curfews or travel restrictions imposed by authorities can result in fines, arrest, or legal trouble. Authorities enforce these measures to maintain order and ensure public safety.

To minimize these risks, plan ahead and stock up on necessary supplies like food, water, and medications so you can stay home for extended periods. If you must travel, do so during daylight hours, plan your route carefully to avoid known hotspots, and keep your vehicle fueled and in good condition. Always inform someone you trust about your travel plans and estimated time of return. By limiting your movement and staying in a secure location, you can significantly reduce your exposure to the dangers posed by civil unrest.

4 *Don’t Draw Attention: Avoid wearing provocative or politically charged clothing and don’t engage in debates or arguments that could escalate.

In times of civil unrest, it’s crucial to blend in and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. Here’s a explanation of why and how to do this:

  • Wearing clothing with political slogans, symbols, or provocative messages can make you a target for aggression from opposing groups or law enforcement. Opt for neutral, inconspicuous attire that doesn’t affiliate you with any particular cause or ideology. This includes avoiding colors or styles associated with specific movements or factions.
  • Jewelry, accessories, and even certain hairstyles can sometimes signal affiliation or wealth, making you a target. Leave expensive or flashy items at home and choose simple, understated accessories that don’t stand out.
  • Engaging in debates or arguments about the unrest, whether in person or online, can escalate tensions and draw unwanted attention. Be especially cautious in public settings where emotions are running high. Even casual remarks can be misunderstood or provoke a hostile response.
  • Act in a way that doesn’t draw suspicion or attention. Avoid large gatherings or crowds where conflicts are likely to arise. Walk with purpose but not haste, and stay aware of your surroundings without appearing anxious or paranoid.
  • If you need to use your phone or other electronic devices, do so discreetly. High-end gadgets can mark you as affluent, while openly recording or taking photos can be seen as confrontational or invasive, potentially attracting hostility.
  • Adapt your appearance to fit in with the local context. If everyone around you is dressed in a certain way, try to match the general style to avoid standing out. This might mean dressing down or choosing clothing that aligns more closely with the local culture and current conditions.
  • Be cautious about what you post online. Avoid sharing your location, opinions on the unrest, or any status updates that could reveal your stance or whereabouts. Social media can quickly amplify and spread information, making you a potential target both online and in real life.
  • Limit your interactions with strangers who might be involved in or affected by the unrest. Engaging with the wrong person at the wrong time can quickly escalate into a dangerous situation.

Remember that while many circumstances in life are beyond your control, most situations afford you at least a few choices. Choose wisely. Act to stay alive.

5. *Don’t Get Involved in Looting: Never participate in looting or vandalism. These actions are illegal and can attract violence or legal repercussions.

Looting and vandalism, which involve stealing from businesses or destroying property, are not only illegal but also highly dangerous activities. Engaging in looting can attract violent confrontations with law enforcement, business owners, or other individuals trying to protect their property. These confrontations can escalate quickly, putting your life at risk. Additionally, being caught looting or vandalizing can lead to severe legal consequences, including arrest, criminal charges, and a permanent criminal record. Beyond the immediate risks, looting undermines the legitimacy of any peaceful protests and can harm the broader community by causing long-term economic damage and eroding trust. It’s crucial to respect property and maintain lawful behavior to ensure your safety and uphold community integrity.

6. *Don’t Spread Misinformation: Avoid sharing unverified information on social media. Misinformation can cause panic and exacerbate the situation.

Spreading rumors or disinformation is never good. What holds true for times of peace holds double true for times of turmoil. The truth, no matter how uncomfortable, will at least result in responses proportional to the threat.

Disinformation, rumors, hype, and falsehood can lead to disproportionate reactions. You could inadvertently cause panic or foster a sense of complacency when individuals should actually be hyper-alert.

7. *Don’t Isolate Yourself: Maintain communication with family and friends. Let someone trustworthy know your whereabouts and plans.

Keeping in touch with family and friends ensures that someone is aware of your location and well-being. If you encounter any danger or unforeseen circumstances, they can initiate help or contact authorities on your behalf. Civil unrest can be stressful and emotionally taxing. Regular communication provides emotional support, helping you stay calm and make rational decisions. Letting someone know your plans and whereabouts ensures that there is a record of your movements. In case you go missing or are unable to communicate, this information can be crucial for search and rescue efforts.

8. *Don’t Ignore Curfews: Abide by any curfews or restrictions set by authorities. Being out during curfew hours can be dangerous and lead to arrest.

Curfews are typically imposed to protect the public and maintain order during periods of civil unrest. Being out during curfew hours can expose you to dangerous situations, such as violent confrontations, looting, or clashes with law enforcement. 

Violating curfews can result in legal repercussions, including fines or arrest. Law enforcement agencies are likely to enforce curfews strictly to prevent escalation of unrest.

Stay updated on curfew announcements and restrictions through official channels such as government websites, news outlets, and social media accounts of local authorities. Make sure everyone in your household is aware of the curfew and understands the importance of complying with it.

If you live in a community setting, coordinate with neighbors to share information and support each other in adhering to the curfew.

Keep a low profile by turning off unnecessary lights and avoiding drawing attention to your home.

 If you encounter law enforcement while out during curfew hours (due to an emergency or essential work), cooperate fully and provide any requested documentation or information. Do not engage in confrontations with law enforcement or others. Follow instructions and prioritize your safety.

9. *Don’t Approach Armed Individuals: Stay away from anyone brandishing weapons. These situations can escalate without warning.

If you notice armed individuals, observe from a safe distance. Do not approach to get a closer look or to take photos or videos.

  If you find yourself too close to armed individuals, calmly and carefully retreat to a safer location without drawing attention to yourself.

 Avoid wearing anything that might draw attention to you, such as bright colors, provocative slogans, or items that could be mistaken for weapons.

Act inconspicuously and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that could attract attention. If you are in a group, communicate clearly and calmly about the presence of armed individuals and decide on a collective course of action.

Keep your phone charged and have emergency contacts readily accessible. Inform someone trustworthy about your location and plans.

 If you cannot safely leave an area where armed individuals are present, find a safe place to take cover, such as a building or vehicle. If approached by armed individuals, comply with their demands without argument. Your primary goal is to de-escalate the situation and protect your life. In high-stress situations, maintaining a calm demeanor can help you think clearly and make safer decisions.

10. *Don’t Neglect Basic Supplies: Ensure you have enough food, water, and medical supplies to last for several days. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare.

Civil unrest can lead to disruptions in services, including access to grocery stores, pharmacies, and other essential services. Ensuring you have basic supplies helps you stay self-sufficient during such times.  Being well-prepared provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on staying safe rather than worrying about where your next meal or medical supply will come from. Having extra supplies allows you to assist family members, neighbors, or others who might be less prepared, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

If possible, have a portable stove or grill with fuel, and sufficient utensils and cookware to prepare meals in case of a power outage. Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation purposes, aiming for a minimum of three days’ supply. 

Medical Supplies : 

  • Bandages, antiseptics, medical tape, pain relievers 
  • Medications for headaches, colds, allergies, and digestive issues
  • Hand sanitizer, soap, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products

Additional Supplies :

  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Radio
  • Blankets 
  • Cash on Hand
  • Important Documents

11. *Don’t Forget an Exit Plan: Have an evacuation plan in place in case the situation deteriorates and you need to leave quickly.

Regularly check reliable news sources, social media, and official government alerts to stay updated on the situation. If there is any indication that the situation might escalate, consider evacuating early rather than waiting until it becomes urgent.

Pack a go-bag with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, first-aid supplies, medications, flashlight, batteries, and important documents (identification, insurance papers, etc.). Include a portable phone charger and a list of emergency contacts.

That’s why I rely on this guide. It’s not your run-of-the-mill survival manual; it’s a no-nonsense tool that teaches you the old-school wisdom of our ancestors who knew how to live off the land and thrived there.

So, when you’re gearing up to make your escape, make sure this handbook is in your backpack. It could be the game-changer you need when everything else goes sideways.

Plan multiple routes out of your area. Identify primary and secondary routes in case one is blocked or becomes unsafe. Ensure your vehicle is in good working order and has a full tank of gas. If you don’t have a vehicle, be aware of public transportation options and their schedules. 

Identify safe places you can go to, such as the homes of friends or family members, hotels, or official shelters. Arrange a meeting point for family members in case you become separated.

Situations can change rapidly, so be prepared to adjust your plan as needed.

Only return home when authorities have declared it safe to do so.

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