If An EMP Hits The US, Will Other Countries Help Out?
Get any group of preppers together to talk about potential TEOTWAWKI events, and EMP is bound to come up. Of all the possible disaster scenarios...
Get any group of preppers together to talk about potential TEOTWAWKI events, and EMP is bound to come up. Of all the possible disaster scenarios...
This article was originally published by Bill White on www.survivopedia.com Back a couple of presidents ago, there was a lot of concern amongst preppers and others, driven...
This article was originally published by Rich M on www.askaprepper.com Nobody has said it yet, but the Coronavirus has turned into a TEOTWAWKI event. Not the kind of...
This article was originally published by Bill White on www.survivopedia.com When most people talk about bugging out, I get the impression that they’re talking about bugging out to...
As a prepper and survivalist you probably have equity in your home. Not only in food stores, but also in your family and the valuables...
Survivalists and preppers are (or are supposed to be) by definition something like smart folks, people who do not trust mainstream bu..s..t, who follow their...
Watching the reactions to preppers in the media, I see some people thinking they should do something about getting better prepared. Good for them. One...
Generally speaking the best way to avoid the dangers associated with large crowds of people is to avoid going to places with large crowds of...
It’s been said that our modern society is sheltered and risk averse, covering everything from hot coffee to plastic bags with massive warning labels and...
Sunspots are Electro-Magnetic Pulse events The earth has always been subject to electro-magnetic events called “sunspots,” which are created by storms in the sun’s atmosphere...
When the need to prepare for an uncertain future becomes a pressing reality for the new prepper, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are so...
If you are like me your food storage is quite diverse, with canned foods integrated into the rotation cycle. Unfortunately there might not be a...