How to Avoid Getting Trapped in FEMA Camps – Meditation is NOT Going to Help
The first thing is to know what to expect before hand. While people think about the dollar dropping to nothing, or an Obama re-election, you...
The first thing is to know what to expect before hand. While people think about the dollar dropping to nothing, or an Obama re-election, you...
Along with your year supply of food and water do you have your year supply of Duct Tape? All you need to do is google...
The U.S. dollar’s predicament can be summed up in three observations: The U.S. balance of payments deficits have multiplied three-fold since the 1980s, and now...
So today we’re going to explore the survival uses of an everyday item you’re much more likely to have with you in an emergency: your...
Obtaining Water Finding a clean drinkable source of water is one of the most important things you need to do when forced to survive outdoors. Keep...
In the late 1880s, cigarette manufacturers began inserting stiffening cards into their paper packs of cigarettes to strengthen the containers. It wasn’t long before they...
We all like stuff that has multiple uses but when those uses can be lifesavers it’s an added bonus. The ability to adapt and use...
Winter disaster scenarios are not something you want to mess with. You could be off grid for days on end with only the food and...
First of all let’s see why does smoke come from a fire? Let’s say you have a nice fire going, and it has burned down to the point...
As children we’re all taught not to run with scissors and look both ways before crossing the road. Like these examples, most of what we...
Survival skills and knowledge must be learned-and practiced-under realistic conditions. Starting a fire with dry materials on a sunny day, for example, will teach you...
When it comes to survival and wilderness first aid, I highly recommend you carry a blood clotting agent with you in your first aid kit,...