Back To Basics: Making And Canning Homemade Butter
Butter: you use it to make baked potatoes delicious. You smear it on your biscuits and you make finger-licking sauces with it. But what on...
Butter: you use it to make baked potatoes delicious. You smear it on your biscuits and you make finger-licking sauces with it. But what on...
Though there are many different methods of preparing meat for long-term storage, without a doubt, canning it is the easiest way to store large quantities...
We use cellars because they maintain a more constant temperature than structures that are built above-ground. We use greenhouses to extend the growing season because...
Food and water are essential survival items in every imaginable survival scenario. Buying and stockpiling most of your emergency food may be the only option...
I bet you never thought about using compost to generate heat, did you? Mulch and compost are basically biomass and as it decomposes naturally, biomass creates...
Whether you commute several hundred miles per week, or only just once per month, letting go of traveling by car doesn’t feel comfortable to anyone....
There’s nothing better for you than fresh, homegrown fruits, herbs, and vegetables, but not all of us have the luxury of being able to plant...
Surviving Off-grid Whether we’re talking about off-grid survival or just having the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of living in the 21st century in our...