Points That Will Leave You Questioning Your Bug-Out-Bag Efficiency
Are you going camping or bugging out? Does it involve hiking and sleeping out in the woods? Well, it does include considering a bag that...
Are you going camping or bugging out? Does it involve hiking and sleeping out in the woods? Well, it does include considering a bag that...
Ever notice hernia bag (aka – Bug Out Bag) lists of essentials items to pack to get you through a 72 hour crisis. With only...
Editor’s Note: There’s an abundance of info online and in books about what to include in a bug out bag. Nonetheless, people still have questions....
‘Be prepared’ is the motto of the Scout Association and with good reason. A small amount of preparation can make all the difference in a...
The internet is a fascinating place and you never know what you will find if you go looking around long enough. As a prepper myself, I have...
The term ‘Bugging Out’ refers to the decision to abandon your home due to an unexpected emergency situation–whether a natural disaster or one caused by...
So, The Swiss Army Survival Tampon…Do me a favor for the next five minutes. Try to forget everything you know about tampons. I know, it’s...