Securing Your Home and Fortifying Your Family’s Assets
As a prepper and survivalist you probably have equity in your home. Not only in food stores, but also in your family and the valuables...
As a prepper and survivalist you probably have equity in your home. Not only in food stores, but also in your family and the valuables...
After reading How to disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light Armored Vehicles, written by CMF Contributor Runik. I noticed the absence of TGs (thermite grenades)...
As of 2013, constitutional Americans have witnessed an increase in hostile posturing by the federal government. These hostile actions were clearly outlined by the CMF...
Over the recent years the Survival Community has seen an increase in hostile smear campaigns targeting preppers for practicing their constitutional rights. Now, Americans concerned...
In another shocking warning straight from the Federal Reserve’s Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer we learn that the Federal Reserve and banks across the country now...
With global events taking on a more ominous tone, people are turning to religion and the Bible for an explanation of what’s going on?...
The brand new story excerpted below from the CDC (Centers of Disease Control) via The Examiner may be our final warning; NOW is the time...
Users on an ISIS message board have threatened Times Square, providing instructions on how to carry out a pipe bomb attack in one of the...
If you’ve ever wondered what Martial Law in America may look like, then this detailed report will be an eye opener. It explores the ramifications...
Slavery comes in many different shades. It is defined as: a condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labor or restricted...
The main debate here is why President Obama doesn’t feel the need to “Always be Prepared,” unless he is working against America. Areas of concern...
Last week, we were sent to a Craigslist ad where someone was trying to sell their old, sitting for “several years,” farm use-plated, Diesel Jetta by pitching...