Feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300
You are out of excuses! This plan is THE fastest, cheapest and easiest way to start a food storage program. You are done in a...
You are out of excuses! This plan is THE fastest, cheapest and easiest way to start a food storage program. You are done in a...
If you’ve ever had the rare opportunity of having the police draw their guns on you for no apparent reason, you know how absolutely terrifying...
During debates and speeches, politicians often bring up the financial burden that’s placed on the middle class. We talk about the middle class as though...
Last week two American aid workers who had contracted Ebola while working in west Africa were released from a U.S. hospital and pronounced “recovered.” They...
Treating Ebola patients with blood transfusions from survivors of the disease should be the immediate priority among all the experimental therapies under consideration for this...
Could Ebola go airborne? That’s the fear set off last week by a New York Times op-ed entitled “What We’re Afraid to Say about Ebola” from Michael...
A person new to preparedness recently contacted me with a bunch of questions about how they could better prepare for a disaster or SHTF. One...
As of late I have been getting a lot of requests for knot videos. I have already done several so I thought would put them...
Based on numbers from the FBI’s annual crime report, there were an estimated 2.1 million burglaries in the United States in 2012. What’s more, nearly...
Fears that the deadly virus could mutate and become even more contagious Dr Peter Jahrling says amount of virus in patients is higher than...
How to make a silencer and the knowledge to manufacture them from unconventional materials could be a critical component to your survival repertoire when the...
You have no doubt had your own set of issues dealing with friends and family members that simply don’t see the writing on the wall....