FEMA Denies Camps Are Planned “Herding Points” For Proud Patriots. But Their Plan Is Actually Worse!
Ok, this is gonna come as a shocker for you, but…I actually LOVE “FEMA camps”! Yes, I know that every underground conspiracy blogger says that...
Ok, this is gonna come as a shocker for you, but…I actually LOVE “FEMA camps”! Yes, I know that every underground conspiracy blogger says that...
If I had just one question I could ask, it would be asked of the American people: Why Aren’t You Prepared? It’s a legitimate...
In May of 2014, experts testified before the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies, on what the “catastrophic” effects of...
If you’re involved in the preparedness lifestyle, you’re probably into planning. Most likely, you research and study the excellent preparedness strategies put out...
According to results from a study conducted by Michael Mills, a PhD candidate from the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, most preppers are white,...
As we enter the month of August as the year 2015 rapidly flies by, the month of September is in the globalists bullseye and as...
When you talk with people about crisis preparedness (be it in regards natural disasters, economic collapse, terrorist attack or whatever) you quickly realize that...
Unless you’ve been living in a cave for last few years, you know that something is deeply wrong with our world today. Just watching...
This shake flashlight uses no batteries or bulbs. Instead it uses Faraday’s Principle of Magnetic Induction and a bright LED to produce light without batteries....
I know that “booby traps” might incite images of pirates or flashbacks from “Goonies”, but it’s actually a very legitimate way to protect your homestead....
I love my dogs. They are the best medicine when I’m having a bad day and they are the best company when I’m lonely. But,...
Most of us probably gather our protein needs from a variety of meats, while our vegetarian counterparts rely on protein from eggs, nuts, and beans....