7 Kitchen Essentials That Deserve To Be On Your Preparedness Shelves
Our preps are our life line. The items we choose should be able to carry us, not only through difficult times, but perhaps through impossible...
Our preps are our life line. The items we choose should be able to carry us, not only through difficult times, but perhaps through impossible...
Sea salt is rapidly becoming more popular, as more and more people are learning about all the health benefits that the salt has to offer....
Where would we be without the discovery of yeast? Fresh, puffy bread would be non-existent, and need I not mention the fact that beer, wine and...
Roast beef, flowers, perfume, fresh mown grass…we mostly take our sense of smell for granted. Some people have a condition called anosmia, they have no...
If the world was a reasonable and informed place, none of us would have to hide our prepping endeavours. There are many situations that require...
Generators are great for short term power outages. They are relatively cheap and can be sourced from most home improvement stores. If the grid goes...
A multi-fuel, light weight, almost FREE stove that you can make with material found in almost every house. Great for hiking/camping and emergencies. (great project...
Where to Place and When to Use a Deadfall: These types of traps, also known as “figure 4 deadfalls”, are best utilized in a common...
Home security is critical but obvious security measures like perimeter fences and window bars tell the world that they can find the resources they’re looking...
I had rabbits when I was young but only as pets. Our children had rabbits growing up, again only as pets. We now have rabbits...
Top ten ways to blow your operational security 1. Start a survival / prepper blog Sometimes, I think that there are as many “survival blogs”...
Actually there are 2 lists containing 202 most important items that are very useful in a SHTF scenario. Of course it is very hard to...