In Time of Crises – How to Negotiate Down the Price of Anything!
Like most families in America, we unwittingly trapped ourselves into this situation and must dig our way out of it. So for the last 2...
Like most families in America, we unwittingly trapped ourselves into this situation and must dig our way out of it. So for the last 2...
As winter approaches, I settle into a well-worn routine. I clean up my garden beds, carefully tuck away the tools, and then proceed to put...
As a prepper, there are literally dozens of SHTF scenarios that I actively prepare for. But it is often the mundane problems that can have...
I was so anxious to get back to my babies today after a short trip was rudely extended by a massive storm over the Sierras.
The first thing is to know what to expect before hand. While people think about the dollar dropping to nothing, or an Obama re-election, you...
The term ‘Bugging Out’ refers to the decision to abandon your home due to an unexpected emergency situation–whether a natural disaster or one caused by...
Along with your year supply of food and water do you have your year supply of Duct Tape? All you need to do is google...
As the East Coast of the United States recovers from Hurricane Sandy, aka “Frankenstorm,” the rest of us watch the unfolding aftermath from a distance...
So, The Swiss Army Survival Tampon…Do me a favor for the next five minutes. Try to forget everything you know about tampons. I know, it’s...
So today we’re going to explore the survival uses of an everyday item you’re much more likely to have with you in an emergency: your...
When you make your preps for a long term survival situation, you want to make sure you cover the basics: Water– check Food– check Shelter–...
Have you ever assisted at a road accident? Waded into the sea to pull out a kid who was struggling in the waves? It’s instinctive...