19 Natural Methods and Remedies for Dealing with Ants
I was so anxious to get back to my babies today after a short trip was rudely extended by a massive storm over the Sierras.
I was so anxious to get back to my babies today after a short trip was rudely extended by a massive storm over the Sierras.
Along with your year supply of food and water do you have your year supply of Duct Tape? All you need to do is google...
Many animals use camouflage, either to avoid capture or to aid them when they are hunting. Hunters employ animal tactics every time they go out,...
Bartering after SHTF There’s no way of telling quite how different life after a major disaster or serious collapse of society could be, but humans...
As the East Coast of the United States recovers from Hurricane Sandy, aka “Frankenstorm,” the rest of us watch the unfolding aftermath from a distance...
So, The Swiss Army Survival Tampon…Do me a favor for the next five minutes. Try to forget everything you know about tampons. I know, it’s...
So today we’re going to explore the survival uses of an everyday item you’re much more likely to have with you in an emergency: your...
The first thing to know about surviving the apocalypse is this: you’re not going to survive the apocalypse. You’re not special. If everyone dies? That includes...
This is not a pleasant subject, but if as we believe some kind of societal collapse is going to occur it is something we need...
Although once popular as a painkiller most opium is now refined into heroin and sold illicitly for high prices in almost every city on the...
Gasoline in your mouth is not pleasant – or safe! This doesn’t happen – not to you! Growing up on a rural farm there were...
Building a solar panel heater out of aluminum cans is not as far-fetched as you might think. This heaters have been described as “green energy...