Back to Basics: Why Barefoot Is Better
Walking and running has always had huge health benefits including, but not limited to: cardiovascular health, immune benefits, stress relief, and blood circulation and oxygenation....
Walking and running has always had huge health benefits including, but not limited to: cardiovascular health, immune benefits, stress relief, and blood circulation and oxygenation....
Basic Grooming Grooming is often overlooked in a survival situation as we focus more on our immediate needs to survive. However it is important to understand that...
Just one month after it was sent into the field, this new, unique version of a tourniquet saved a life. The SAM Junctional Tourniquet, designed...
Medicinal herbs are among the most useful items for preppers. First aid and health care are among the most essential needs for human survival. But...
So we all know what’s going on with the Fukushima Radiation and what harm it can do to our bodies. To protect yourself against radiation...
If you have been exposed to any form of radiation, either for medical diagnostic purposes (fluoroscopy/mammography/other medical x-ray exams) or in the course of radiotherapy...
Survival antibiotics are often overlooked by preppers. One reason is because preppers don’t know which ones to buy or even where to get them. Another reason...
Often in survival situations, we are prepared for general health problems but do not know what to do when faced with a dental emergency. Whether...
Necrotic wound debridement…the sight of those three words was enough to fill me with dread when I saw them on my operating list. Unpleasant, often...
Sadly these abandoned animals will only continue to roam the streets of Detroit and continue to wreck havoc. Due to the city’s financial woes, the...
When the SHTF, and it will, there will be enough things to worry about other than staying healthy. Yet, even in good times we get...
Although public health and mosquito control experts across the country remain uncertain about what to expect this summer, they fear that, mosquitoes will soon descend...