Whether it’s a winter survival kit, or just a survival kit in general….you don’t have to spend a fortune to get started. When you think about it, sometimes the most valuable things in an emergency are also the cheapest things you can buy.


Here are some $5-or-less emergency prep items to get you started on your way to self-sufficiency.


1Iodine tincture

This can be used to disinfect wounds, gear and even drinking water! Just add 5-10 drops of 2% iodine to 1 quart of suspect drinking water. Use 5 drops if the water is warm and clear, use 10 drops of the water is ice cold or cloudy. Shake it up for a moment and wait one hour before drinking.


1Candle can

Seasoned wilderness travelers always carry an empty soup can and a supply of at least a dozen long-burning votive candles. Put the candle into the can, light it, and it will supply just enough heat to keep you from freezing to death in a closed vehicle after you’ve run out of gas.

Bottle of bleach

Small bottle of bleach

In an emergency, you can use tiny amounts of bleach to purify water. A small bottle of bleach can disinfect hundreds of gallons of drinking water. It can also be used to sterilize equipment and food preparation areas, as well as for general cleaning. For drinking water, add 2 to 4 drops of plain Clorox per quart of water (2 drops if clear, 4 drops if cold or muddy).


1A lighter

A $1.39 lighter is worth its weight in gold, no matter how injured you are – if you have a working thumb and a lighter, you have fire. And at that low price, you can afford to stock up.



1Stick matches

Lighters should be carried as well for redundancy, but don’t forget about matches for a real emergency kit. A case of 10 or a dozen boxes of stick match will usually run you less than $2, and provide you with 300 or more matches.



1Fire starter

A mini fire log could be used in its entirety to start one fire in horrible conditions, or cut into pieces to start many fires under other conditions. Check this article to learn how to make your own fire starters for free



Grey Duct TapeDuct tape

Make emergency repairs on, tents, gear, bags, tarps, packs, sleeping bags, clothing, rain gear, etc.
It can also be used for wrapping sprained ankles in an emergency.



1Super glue

It is essentially liquid duct tape and can fix many things you’ll inevitably break that you won’t be able to easily purchase again.






There are literally dozens of uses for these versatile pieces of cloth. Bandage for a wound, fire starter (soak it in oil or Vaseline), trail marker (rip pieces to show where you’ve been), neck and head covering to prevent heatstroke or sunburn, sling for an injured arm, tourniquet for snake bites or wounds where you need to cut circulation.


1Box of bandages

If you can keep the dirt out of all your wounds, you can keep infections minimized. You can even use the bandages to “tape” things together in a pinch.



1Bread in a can

This rodent-proof, bug-proof, waterproof metal can of bread with a three-year shelf life might not be the most delicious carbs you’ll ever eat, but it only costs about $2.50 and packs 1,040 calories per loaf/can!



1Hand sanitizer

When you don’t have easy access to soap and water, you can fight infection by using an alcohol-based sanitizer to clean your hands before and after treating injuries. In addition to its normal use, hand sanitizer can also be used as a flame accelerant thanks to its high alcohol content.



1Sports tape

This first-aid box staple is great at keeping your dressings and bandages in place. It’s also strong and sticky enough to be used to hold things together, or to make improvised butterfly sutures.



1Pencil sharpener

Take a twig roughly the diameter of a pencil and use the sharpener to make shavings (or tinder) to get a fire started! Simple and SUPER cheap!



charcoal tabletsActivated charcoal

If your digestive system is turned upside-down while stranded, without access to a store, pharmacy or medical facility, activated charcoal can be your best friend. Activated charcoal is used in hospitals worldwide for patients who ingest drugs or chemicals and has saved countless lives. Read this article to learn how to make activated charcoal 



1Mini flashlights

Little lightweight LED flashlights are super long-lasting, surprisingly bright for their size, and frequently on sale. They’re a great value for the money and you can stash them in all the different places you might need them.



1A compass

If you know how to use a compass, it is an invaluable tool. It is a good idea for everyone to learn at least the basics of using a compass, and to have a good idea of basic directional orientation.



1A mirror

A signaling mirror is great for signaling at long distances or to passing ships or aircraft. It can also be used for checking wounds, rashes, etc in places you would not otherwise be able to see.



1Survival blanket

A reflective emergency blanket could be the best $2 you ever spend if you’re lost in the wild. It will help keep you warm (if reflects body heat back to you,) and it’s also great for signaling, as it will reflect a lot of sunlight. This can also be used to waterproof your shelter, and to collect rainwater.


1Loud whistle

When you are lost, injured or stranded, your ability to signal for help is the number one factor in being rescued. Carrying a rescue whistle on your person is an inexpensive and easy way to identify yourself as being in need of rescue. While you’re waiting to be rescued, make lots of noise.



1Heavy cord or light rope

Use it for shelter, whether for tying frame pieces together, or for stringing up a tarp between trees. Also use it for splints, traps, etc.



1Dental floss

Aside from dental hygiene, it is incredibly strong and can be used to sew buttons or any material. It is sterile so you can stitch a wound. You can tie down a tent or tarp as long as you don’t wrap it over a sharp edge. You can even fish with it.



1Drop cloth

Plastic drop cloths can be used for sealing windows and doors when there is concern of pandemics, and they also have a myriad of camping uses. You can make a hole in it and use it as a Poncho, it also makes a good tent to sleep under. Avoid the very thin plastic drop cloths, they should be at least a couple mils thickness.



1Of course these are just a few of the myriad of supplies that might be necessary should you find yourself in a true emergency, but at least it’s a START!





By Jill, Jill’s original article can be found on onegoodthingbyjillee.com



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  2. Suggest you carry an old CD. Not a breakable as mirror and has a hole for aiming at an air craft for rescue

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